Hornos de retorta para procesos catalíticos de desaglomerado

The hot-wall retort furnaces NRA .. CDB were developed especially for catalytic debinding of ceramic and metal powder injection molding components.

Control de Proceso

Función y equipamiento


The hot-wall retort furnaces are ideal for heat treatment processes that require a defined process gas atmosphere. The furnace chamber consists of a gas tight retort. 

Equipped with the corresponding safety technology, these retort furnaces are suitable for catalytic (CDB) and also thermal (IDB, H2) debinding of MIM components. 

Hot-Wall Retort Furnace for Catalytic Debinding (CDB) 

The hot-wall retort furnaces NRA .. CDB were developed especially for catalytic debinding of ceramic and metal powder injection molding components. They are equipped with an internally-heated gas tight retort.  

The catalytic debinding furnaces are designed and built so that the nitric acid is fed into the furnace by means of an acid pump where it evaporates and is distributed evenly throughout the furnace chamber through the atmosphere circulation. The evaporated nitric acid debinds the components by chemically decomposing the polyoxymethylene-based binder (POM) to form formaldehyde. To minimize emissions to the atmosphere, the furnace is equipped with a thermal post-combustion system. Formation of explosive gas mixtures is prevented with monitored flow of the nitric acid and a constant, monitored flow of nitrogen. The design and construction of the furnace with gas tight retort ensures that no oxygen can enter. The door is kept closed during the entire debinding process. 

  • Safety package for safe operation with nitric acid 
  • PLC process control with safety monitoring (F-PLC) and graphic touch panel  
  • Retort made of acid-resistant stainless steel 1.4571 with swing door 
  • Heating inside the retort via chrome steel tubular heating elements 
  • Horizontal circulation for even distribution of the process atmosphere 
  • Acid pump in separate cabinet 
  • Gas-fired exhaust gas torch with flame monitoring 

Equipamiento adicional

Equipamiento opcional

  • Báscula para el barril de ácido nítrico, conectado al PLC para supervisar el consumo de ácido y visualizar el nivel de llenado del barril (NRA 150/02 CDB)
  • Vagoneta elevadora para la carga sencilla del horno
  • Armario para bomba de ácido
  • Control del proceso y documentación por medio de Nabertherm Control-Center NCC para la supervisión, documentación y el control

Especificaciones técnicas

Model Volume Work space in mm Quantity Number of Shelves
170 x 250 mm
Work space
Outer dimensions in mm Weight Heating power
  in l w d h Levels total (level) in m² W D H1 in kg in kW
NRA 40 CDB 40 340 500 240 6 24 (2x2) 1 1400 1700 2400 1000 2
NRA 80 CDB 80 340 750 320 8 48 (2x3) 2 1600 2000 2500 1200 13
NRA 160 CDB 160 500 680 480 12 96 (2x4) 4 1800 2200 2600 1600 20
NRA 320 CDB 320 680 750 640 16 192 (4x3) 8 2300 2400 2800 2800 35
1Including exhaust gas torch

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