75 Years of Nabertherm - Continuity, Versatility, Experience, Quality

Exactly 75 years ago, on September 16th of 1947, Conrad Naber founded his “business for the manufacturing of small furnaces” in Bremen.
In 1954 Conrad Naber began to expand and moved his company with already 15 employees to Lilienthal near Bremen. He continuously expanded his company and started with the internationalization of Nabertherm. Towards the end of 2000, Friedrich-Wilhelm Wentrot took over the management and continued the course of growth. Since spring 2019, Timm Grotheer has now been the managing director of one of the largest industrial furnace manufacturers with around 600 employees worldwide.
Nabertherm offers a variety of different standard furnaces, which can be individually expanded and adapted to the needs of customers, for various industrial applications, but also for Arts & Crafts, Laboratory and Dental. No matter whether in the field of fuel cell production, for the production of fiber optic cables or for ceramic components in the luxury watch sector, Nabertherm industrial furnaces represent an essential part of their customers' production processes.
The topic of education is also very important at Nabertherm. Every year, at least 12 young people begin their apprenticeship in an industrial or commercial discipline or as part of a dual study program. Education as an investment in the future.
Despite the current political and economic situation, Nabertherm is looking positively into the future and is celebrating today!
You can download the complete press release here.