
Nabertherm Furnaces according to AMS2750F


Revision F of the AMS2750F aviation standard has been in effect since June 2020. The standard has been completely revised. In addition to adapted definitions and tables that have been added (25 tables instead of the previous 11), there are numerous changes that we as furnace manufacturers must take into consideration. The following changes are to be emphasized:

  • The units Celsius and Fahrenheit are now to be regarded as equivalent (previously only ° F was leading or the primary unit). In general, the Si units no longer serve only as an approximate value, they are now also to be regarded as leading.
  • A new instrumentation type D + has been added. An additional thermocouple for documentation is required for this, a distance of ≥ 76 mm to the control thermocouple is required and a different type of thermocouple must be used.
  • The number of uses of thermocouples (type N and type K) for TUS, SAT has changed. These were partially restricted further depending on the operating temperatures. With this, the drift that occurs over the long term with the type K thermocouple is dealt with in order not to have any loss of accuracy.
  • The description of the offsets has been revised. The offset definition has often led to misunderstandings in the past. A distinction is now made between "Correction Offset" (is determined, for example form instrument calibration) and "Modification Offset" (to shift temperature uniformity closer to the set point). It is also not permitted to use a "correction offset" for the SAT measurement. As a result, the contents of the TUS and SAT reports have also been adapted.
  • A calibration of the digital time synchronization is required. An accuracy of ± 1min / h is required.
  • The readability has been increased to one decimal place. This was already integrated before as standard in Nabertherm systems (from 1 °C to 1.1 °C)

In addition, there are numerous other adjustments that must be taken into account in order to comply with the AMS2750F standards. The standard has been implemented at Nabertherm and new systems are designed to meet these requirements without any problems.

Of course, we are also happy to help you when it comes to upgrading your existing furnace system to comply with the AMS2750F. Existing systems that are equipped with our Nabertherm Control Center can in most cases be brought up to date with an update.

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us!

Terminy targów

TCT Asia
Shanghai, China
17.03.2025 - 19.03.2025
IDS- Internationale Dental Schau
Cologne, Germany
25.03.2025 - 29.03.2025
Paris, France
25.03.2025 - 27.03.2025