Piece retortowe ze ścianami zimnymi do 2400 °C z zastosowaniem wodoru

W wersji H2 piece retortowe mogą być eksploatowane w atmosferze wodoru lub innych gazów palnych.

Sterowanie procesami

Funkcja i wyposażenie


HVersion for Operation with Hydrogen or other Reaction Gases

In the Hversion the retort furnaces can be operated under hydrogen or other reaction gases. For these applications, the systems are additionally equipped with the required safety technology. Only certified and industry proven safety sensors are used. The retort furnaces are controlled by a fail-safe PLC control system (S7-300F/safety controller).

  • Certified safety concept
  • Automation package
  • Redundant gas inlet valves for hydrogen
  • Monitored pre-pressures of all process gases
  • Bypass for safe purging of furnace chamber with inert gas
  • Pressure-monitored emergency flooding with automated solenoid valve opening
  • Electric or gas-heated exhaust gas torch for Hpost-combustion
  • Atmospheric operation: H2-purging of retort starting from room temperature at controlled over pressure (50 mbar relative)

Dodatkowe wyposażenie

Additional equipment

  • Partial pressure operation: Hflushing at underpressure in the retort starting from 750  °C furnace chamber temperature
  • Inner process hood in the retort for debinding under hydrogen
  • Process control and documentation via Nabertherm Control Center (NCC) for monitoring, documentation and control

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