Skrzynka do hartowania spoiwa resztkowego obojętnego

Komora pieca wyposażona jest w dodatkową skrzynkę do hartowania, która posiada bezpośredni wylot w pochodni gazów odlotowych, z której można bezpośrednio odprowadzać gazy odlotowe.

Funkcja i wyposażenie


Process Box for Debinding in Inert Gas

Certain processes require charges to be debinded in non-flammable protective or reactive gases. For these processes we fundamentally recommend a hot-wall retort furnace (see models NR .. or SR ..). These retort furnaces can ensure that the formation of condensation will be avoided as throughly as possible.

If there is no way to avoid the escape of small amounts of residual binder during the process, even in the VHT furnace, the retort furnace should be designed to meet this contingency.

The furnace chamber is equipped with an additional process box that has a direct outlet to the exhaust gas torch through which the exhaust gas can be directly vented. This system enables a substantial reduction in the amount of furnace chamber contamination caused by the exhaust gases generated during debinding.

Depending on the exhaust gas composition the exhaust gas line can be designed to include various options.

  • Exhaust gas torch for burning off the exhaust gas
  • Condensation trap for separating out binding agents
  • Exhaust gas post-treatment, depending on the process, via exhaust gas washers
  • Heated exhaust gas outlet to avoid condensation deposits in the exhaust gas line

Specyfikacja techniczna

Model Inner dimensions of process box in mm Volume
  w d h in l
VHT 8/.. 120 210 150 3.5
VHT 25/.. 200 350 200 14.0
VHT 40/.. 250 430 250 25.0
VHT 70/.. 325 475 325 50.0
VHT 100/.. 425 500 425 90.0
VHT 250/.. 575 700 575 230.0
VHT 500/.. 725 850 725 445.0


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