Łaźnie hartownicze i czyszczące

Łaźnie olejowe zapewniają równomierne chłodzenie obrabianych elementów i są wyposażone w pokrywy, które natychmiast gaszą ewentualny zapłon oleju.

Sterowanie procesami

Funkcja i wyposażenie


Baths for quenching in oil or water as well as for cleaning and degreasing are available as single or double baths and are made of stainless steel. Oil quench bath assure highly even cooling of workpieces and are equipped with a lid to immediatley extinguish ignited oil. For optimal results, pre-tempering water baths for cleaning workpieces should have an appropriate degreasing additive mixed in to the water bath. An optional heating allows for a bath temperature of approx. 70 °C. All baths come with a charge carrier, supply and drain line.

Specyfikacja techniczna

Article no. Bath Inner dimensions in mm Outer dimensions in mm Volume Quenchant max. load
    w d h W D H in l performance in kg/h weight in kg
101300050 Q 50 200 170 250 350 350 700 50 5 - 10 10
101300040 Q 200 380 340 450 550 550 900 190 25 - 30 20


Article no. Heating element Connected Supply
  (optional) load kW voltage*
631001014 Q 50 3 230 V
631001012 Q 200 6 400 V
*Article no. for other possible supply voltages on request

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