Łaźnie hartownicze

Wszystkie łaźnie hartownicze są standardowo wyposażone w cyrkulację medium hartującego, co umożliwia skuteczne usunięcie energii z elementu konstrukcyjnego.

Sterowanie procesami

Funkcja i wyposażenie


Standard water or polymer quench tanks have a single stainless steel wall and incorporate a quenching medium circulation system for effective removal of energy from the component. Temperature and level are monitored. All tanks have connections for water feed and drainage. The tank can be cooled and the level topped up with the customer’s fresh water supply.

The quench tanks are controlled with a Siemens PLC controls. The system is operated conveniently with a touchpanel or the PC-based Nabertherm Control Center software.  

Dodatkowe wyposażenie

  • Quench tank in customer's pit
  • Quench tank heating 
  • Quench tank with insulation for improved energy efficiency at higher working temperatures
  • Automatic level control
  • Rolling lid for the quench tank in automatic operation at higher working temperatures of the quench medium
  • Active cooling system

If quenching is carried out in oil or polymer it is advisable to integrate a cleaning tank in the overall plant. Especially if the next step in the process involves tempering in a forced convection chamber furnace, the components should be clean when they are transferred to the furnace. 

For heat treatment where flammable substances are released or introduced, the furnaces can be equipped with a corresponding safety system in accordance with EN 1539.

Depending on the material and the required cooling rate, the charge can also be force-cooled or quenched in an air quenching chamber.

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