Ярусные печи с поддонами и печи с выдвижным подом до 1340 °C с 5-сторонним нагревом

Эти печи обладают всеми преимуществами серии NW, а также более прочной изолирующей конструкцией и более прочными нагревательными элементами, специально разработанными для обжига в верхнем температурном диапазоне.

Управление процессами

Функции и оборудование


You like to load your kiln effortlessly and ergonomically and fire frequently to just above 1300 °C? In this case, we recommend our chamber kilns with a drawer or removable bogie up to 1340 °C.

These kilns have all the product benefits of the NW product line as well as more robust insulation and stronger heating elements that are designed for firing at higher temperatures. The high electrical rating also allows the kilns to heat up much faster. This combination of technical properties gives the kiln range the power to fire your works of art to 1340 °C. 

Standard equipment


  • Controller with touch operation B500 (5 programs with each 4 segments)


You can look forward to a reliable and safe firing experience!


Дополнительное оборудование


ModelTmaxInner dimensions in mmVolume inOuter dimensions1 in mmConnected loadElectricalWeight in
NW 150/H134043053062015081011501600153-phase520
NW 200/H134050053072020088011501700203-phase590
NW 300/H134055070078030093013201760273-phase670
NW 440/H13406007501000450107014101830403-phase940
NW 660/H134060011001000660107017501830523-phase1310
NW 1000/H1340800100012501000146017602230753-phase2700
1External dimensions vary when furnace is equipped with additional equipment. Dimensions on request



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