Suszarki komorowe z systemami zabezpieczeń

Nadają się do wielu procesów obróbki cieplnej wsadu zawierającego rozpuszczalniki zgodnie z EN 1539.

Sterowanie procesami

Funkcja i wyposażenie

KTR1500 mit Chargierwagen.png

The safety technology integrated in chamber ovens in the KTR .. LS range makes them suitable for many processes where flammable substance evaporate from the charge. 

Sensitive products, such as some silicones, require constant, gentle movement of the charge during heat treatment. The ovens can be equipped with wire frame boxes designed to suit the rotary mechanism.

  • Furnace technology based on chamber ovens
  • For a description of the safety technology refer to models NA 120/45 LS ff.
  • Over-temperature limiter with manual reset as over-temperature protection for the furnace and the charge
  • Exclusive use of insulation materials without categorization according to EC Regulation No 1272/2008 (CLP). This explicitly means that alumino silicate wool, also known as “refractory ceramic fiber” (RCF), which is classified and possibly carcinogenic, is not used.
  • Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions
  • Controller with touch operation P570 (50 programs with each 40 segments)
  • NTLog Basic for Nabertherm controller: recording of process data with USB-flash drive
  • Freeware NTEdit for convenient program input via ExcelTM for WindowsTM on the PC
  • Freeware NTGraph for evaluation and documention of firings using ExcelTM for WindowsTM on the PC
  • MyNabertherm App for online monitoring of the firing on mobile devices for free download

Dodatkowe wyposażenie

  • Fresh-air filter 
  • Air circulation filter for the internal air
  • Drive-in tracks
  • Charging cart
  • Customer-specific rotary rack
  • Process control and documentation via VCD software package for monitoring, documentation and control

Specyfikacja techniczna

Model Tmax Inner dimensions in mm Volume Outer dimensions2 in mm Heating power Exhaust air volumetric flow rate Maximum volume of solvent in g at
  °C w d h in l W D H in kW1 in Bm3/h 50 °C 100 °C 150 °C 200 °C 250 °C 260 °C
KTR 1000 LS 260 1000 1000 1000 1000 1900 1430 2315 36 390 325 141 77 52 41 39
KTR 1500 LS 260 1000 1000 1500 1500 1900 1430 2815 36 390 342 153 88 58 46 44
KTR 3100 LS 260 1250 1250 2000 3100 2150 1680 3455 45 520 492 227 134 90 72 69
KTR 4500 LS 260 1500 1500 2000 4500 2400 1930 3455 54 520 536 256 155 106 85 82
KTR 6125 LS 260 1750 1750 2000 6125 2650 2200 3600 63 750 757 359 216 147 118 114
KTR 8000 LS 260 2000 2000 2000 8000 2900 2450 3600 81 950 963 457 275 187 151 145
1Depending on the furnace design, connected load might be higher
2External dimensions vary when furnace is equipped with additional equipment. Dimensions on request.

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