High-Temperature Furnaces with Scale for determination of combustion loss and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) up to 1750 °C

Delivery includes base, ceramic plunger with base plate in the furnace lining, precision scale and software package.

Process Control
High-temperature furnace LHT 04/17 SW with scale for measuring weight reduction during annealing

Function and equipment


These high-temperature furnaces were specially developed to determine combustion loss during annealing and for thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in the lab. The complete system consists of the high-temperature furnace for 1600 °C or 1750 °C, a table frame, precision scale with feedthroughs into the furnace and powerful software for recording both the temperature curve and the weight loss over time.

Standard Equipment

  • Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions
  • Tmax 1600 °C or 1750 °C
  • High-quality molybdenum disilicide heating elements
  • Dual shell ventilated housing made of textured stainless steel sheets for low surface temperature and high stability
  • Exclusive use of insulation materials without categorization according to EC Regulation No 1272/2008 (CLP). This explicitly means that alumino silicate wool, also known as “refractory ceramic fiber” (RCF), which is classified and possibly carcinogenic, is not used.
  • Adjustable air inlet
  • Exhaust air opening in the roof
  • Type B thermocouple
  • Delivery includes base, ceramic plunger with base plate in the furnace lining, precision scale and software package
  • 4 scales available for different maximum weights and scaling ranges
  • Process control and documentation for temperature and combustion loss via VCD software package for monitoring, documentation and control

Technical specifications

ModelTmaxInner dimensions in mmVolumeOuter dimensions1 in mmConnectedElectricalWeightHeating time
 in °Cwdhin lWDHload in kWconnectionin kgin min2
LHT 04/16 SW160015015015046553708905.03-phase38525
LHT 04/17 SW175015015015046553708905.03-phase38530
1External dimensions vary when furnace is equipped with additional equipment. Dimensions on request.
2Heating time of the empty and closed furnace up to Tmax −100 K (connected to 230 V 1/N/PE rsp. 400 V 3/N/PE)
3Heating only between two phases


ScaleReadabilityMaximum weighing rangeWeight of plungerCalibration valueMinimum load
typein gin gin gin gin g
EW-22000.012200 incl. plunger8500.10.5
EW-42000.014200 incl. plunger8500.10.5
EW-62000.016200 incl. plunger850-1.0
EW-120000.1012000 incl. plunger8501.05.0

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