Skrzynki gazowe z pokrywą do uwalniania gazów do modeli NA 60/.. - NA 500/85

Skrzynia z gazem osłonowym z wiekiem do opróżniania z uszczelką gumową i manometrem.

Funkcja i wyposażenie


Design as the boxes described above, but with additional evacuation lid and connection. Before the box is placed in the furnace, in a cold state an evacuation and protective gas atmosphere are alternately generated to force out the oxygen and achieve a pure atmosphere.

  • Protective gas box with fiber sealing and lid with locks, recess for evacuation lid, gas inlet via a pipe into the bottom of the box
  • Evacuation lid with rubber sealing (Elastomer) and manometer
  • Protective gas connection via threeway ball valve and quick coupling with hose connector (inner diameter 9 mm)
  • Piping for gas inlet and outlet through the furnace collar

Dodatkowe wyposażenie

Additional equipment

  • Digital temperature display
  • Vacuum pump
  • Gas supply systems
  • Extended gas piping for the use of smaller boxes in larger furnace models
  • Draw hook
  • Charging cart

Specyfikacja techniczna

Article no.   Furnace Inner dimensions in mm Outer dimensions in mm1 Charging method
(Furnace with hinged door) (Furnace with lift door)   w d h W D H of the box
631000560 631000807 NA 60/.. 230 380 220 318 468 297 draw hook
631000561 631000808 NA 120/.. 330 480 320 418 568 412 draw hook
631000562 631000809 NA 250/.. 430 580 370 518 668 532 charging stacker
631000563 631000810 NA 500/.. 560 810 530 648 898 692 charging stacker
Article no. 601655055, 1 set of fiber insulation cord, 5 strips of 610 mm each
Work space = box inner dimensions: - 30 mm to all sides
Larger boxes and custom dimensions available upon request
1Without piping and evacuation lid

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