Pomiar temperatury w układzie gazów osłonowych

Do pomiaru temperatury służy prosty miernik ręczny ze wskaźnikiem LCD lub miernik temperatury ze wskaźnikiem LED na stałe zamontowany w oddzielnej obudowie metalowej.

Funkcja i wyposażenie

The use of a thermometer with thermocouple is recommended for determining the exact heat treatment temperature in protective gas boxes or gas feed annealing bags with holders. The thermocouple is permanently mounted on the respective protective gas boxes or gas feed annealing bag holder. A simple manual thermometer with LCD display or a temperature indicator with LED display can be supplied, mounted in a separate metal housing. Both are equipped with a two-pole plug unit for connecting to the thermocouple. The temperature can be determined in this way and, if necessary, readjusted on the controller. Upon request, the furnace can be operated by charge control with a thermocouple attached to the workpiece.

Specyfikacja techniczna

Article no. Description
402000057 Temperature indicator with digital display, 230 V 1/N connection, in metal housing
542100028 Temperature indicator with digital display, battery-operated, manual device
V000808 Connecting cable between heat treatment with charge thermocouple and Article no. 402000057, 5 m
V000801 Connecting cable between heat treatment with charge thermocouple and Article no. 542100028, 3 m

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