Function and equipment


Square Saggar for Furnaces LHTC and LHT, Tmax 1600 °C
The load is placed in ceramic saggars for optimal utilization of the furnace space. Up to three saggars can be stacked on top of each other in the furnace. In models LHT 01/17 D and LHTCT 01/16 up to two saggars can be stacked. Each saggar has cut-outs for better ventilation. The top saggar should be closed with a lid made of ceramic.

Round Saggar (Ø 115 mm) for Furnaces LHT/LB, Tmax 1650 °C
These saggars are perfectly suited for furnaces LHT/LB. The load is placed in the saggars. Up to three saggars can be stacked on top of each other in order to use the overall furnace chamber.

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Customer Test Center

What furnace is the right choice for this specific process? This question cannot always be answered easily. Therefore, we have set up our modern test center which is unique in respect to size and variety. A representative number of furnaces is available for tests for our customers.